Every little bit helps

The Anglican Church in Lanzarote


Church in

Puerto Del Carmen

Service at 12.30

Address Puerto Del Carmen

Calle Nuestra Senora

Puerto Del Carmen, 35510

Church in

Playa Blanca

Service at 17.00

Address Playa Blanca

Avenida De Papagayo,

Playa Blanca, 35580

Thank you for sharing our vision and your prayerful support and encouragement.

If you are in a position to support us, please consider a regular financial contribution to us. You can choose between EUR and GBP contributions.

If you are a UK tax payer, please fill in the Gift Aid form after your donation to increase your giving by 25%. It is linked below and will automatically be shown after your donation on the Thank You page or by clicking here


If you are a UK tax payer, you can Gift Aid your donation

Please fill in this Gift Aid Form and send it back to us . We can then claim back 25p for every £1 you give.

Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows the Diocese on our behalf to reclaim the tax that you have already paid on your donations through UK income tax or capital gains tax.

All individual donations are eligible for the scheme – including regular gifts such as Standing Orders and Direct Debits.

Why do I need to make a declaration?

The declaration allows us to reclaim the tax from HMRC on your donations. By making the Gift Aid declaration, you are confirming that you are happy for us to do this.

We can claim Gift Aid on donations made in the last four years and on future donations once we receive your declaration.



We are completely self-dependent and do not receive any governmental support or payments.

In other words: We have to raise the income needed to keep us going through donations, offertories and legacies of those who share our vision and give thanks for us serving them and theirs in the name of our Lord.

If you like what we offer – being the welcoming and open church on Lanzarote for all – please help us survive.

Our basic expenses easily add up to 2.000€.

That’s not a lot you might say, but the offertories from our church services normally do not cover even 20% of that.

Without the voluntary work – a half-stipend priest working 24/7, volunteers for online and offline services, group leaders for our activities, and communication on so many channels on and offline, our expenses would be tripled at least.



Just think about these ‘invisible costs’

Please be appreciative of these important things,

offered to all at no individual costs –

and support if you can.

'Invisible Costs'

2 Printed Newsletters


Sanitizer for a month

Wafers & wine for 6 months



'Invisible Costs'

Fuel for home visits for 2 weeks


Special Service sheets (Christmas, Remembrance Sunday, Easter)


Your Will – leaving a legacy…

Most of us do not like to dwell too much on thoughts of our own mortality.

Yet for the Christian, it is essential that we should spend some time contemplating the journey of our life from its beginning to its end. Part of that process is practical as well as spiritual; there are family and friends for whom we might like to make some financial provision, to hand on valued possessions to those whom we love. Whilst we all make a valuable contribution to the Church during our lives, it would also seem fitting that we should consider making some financial provision for the continuation of its mission after we have gone.



By leaving a Legacy to the Anglican Chaplaincy of St. Laurence in Lanzarote

You can support our Chaplaincy and our work for future generations, which is why we are so grateful for any gift, whatever size, that you choose to leave in your Will. It is a lovely way to make a lasting contribution to us. For further details, please get in touch. Thank you.

Here’s a template for you to use:


The Church is not immune to the economic changes in society and we have to give serious consideration to the financial situation of the Chaplaincy of St Laurence here in Lanzarote. Most of our income comes from week on week giving through collections taken at services, together with the contributions of those who give on a regular basis and those who are willing to Gift-Aid their giving.

We are not supported financially by the Diocese or any outside organisation.

On the contrary, we have to contribute to the running costs of the Diocese, and we have to be self-sufficient as a parish. Unlike clergy in the UK whose stipends are paid from Central Church Funds, the Chaplain’s stipend and other expenses have to be paid from our own resources.

Over recent years, we have sometimes managed to break about even on income and expenditure; other times we have ended with a deficit which eats into our capital reserves: precious reserves needed both for future contingencies and for the development of our ministry on this island.

If you would like to help us ensure a forward looking and financially viable Church now and for the future, please get in touch.

We are dependent on the generosity of our regular congregation and visitors in order to maintain our ministry here in Lanzarote.

Our Church Finances

Every little bit helps. Thank you!

GBP Account

Sort Code 23-14-70

Account No. 84469055

IBAN GB92 2314 7084 4690 55

Euro Account

IBAN BE43 9670 0854 9201


get in touch with us whenever you need.


Heavenly Father, Lord of sea and sky,

Thank you that You are Sovereign

over all creation.

Church Address Puerto Del Carmen

Calle Nuestra Senora Puerto Del Carmen, 35510

Church Address Playa Blanca

Nuestra Senora Del Carmen, 12

Avenida De Papagayo, Playa Blanca, 35580

00 34 928 514 241

Anglican Church Service is at: 

Puerto Del Carmen 12.30

Playa Blanca 17.00

© Copyright 2022 This website is created by the Anglican Chaplaincy of St. Laurence in Lanzarote